Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anatomy sketches

I tried to get some anatomy studies done. Pose Maniacs is a great reference tool for anatomy drawing, especially when you can't decide what to draw.

I don't know if it's obvious to anyone else but I changed the way I thought about drawing the anatomy on each page. I think this top image (the last one I drew) came out the best, I used few strokes and thought about them more carefully before drawing them. I do wonder though if the rushed nature of the studies allows me enough time to absorb what is really happening with the bone and muscle positions.

I did some facial studies as well from a book- at first not worrying about how they looked or if they even resembled a symmetrical person's face. The last one was supposed to look a bit more like the model in the photographs.I don't feel like they helped me much - I seem to have no problem copying things but absorbing the anatomical information is another thing.

I'm sure even in copying a lot of images though, you brain will start to remember the shapes and invent shortcuts which means they are being retained somehow.

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